Can Vaping Make You A Better Person?

“What’s in it for me?”

This is a common question asked by people considering buying or shifting to a dry herb vaporizer. As vaping loose leaf and other herbs become more popular, prospective vapers are intent on finding out the benefits that they could get.

Different industry experts have been thoroughly studying the positive effects of vaping. Here are some of them:

Improved Sports Performance

A quick caveat: dry herb vaporizers were not created to help smokers quit. Technically, smokers who opt to switch to dry herb vape pens can still consume tobacco. So, it’s not really something that’s invented to stop people from consuming nicotine.

That said, the advantage of vaporizers over cigarettes as a healthier alternative is well-publicized. For smokers, it means getting their tobacco and nicotine fix without inhaling harmful substances such as tar. In a survey of 3,500 participants, an overwhelming majority choose to use vaporizers because they consider it less toxic.

This translates to better lung function which can improve sports performance. Improved lung function equates to better endurance and stamina, two key elements across almost all sports disciplines.

Accessible Relaxation Fix and Anxiety Relief

The relaxation benefits of consuming loose leaf are not a secret. It comes as no surprise that one of its medicinal purposes is for people with high levels of anxiety and stress.

However, the traditional way of smoking loose leaf is not ideal, especially for those who have jobs that prevent doing so. This is where portable dry herb vaporizers come in.

Portable dry herb vaporizers are discrete and their small chassis means they can be taken virtually anywhere. In the case of more advanced dry herb vaporizers such as Apollo’s AirVape XS, its state-of-the-art shell minimizes the odors of loose leaf making it an ideal vaping companion in more public spaces.

Further, vapers can choose to use CBD. It’s a relatively newly discovered cannabinoid. Unlike other cannabinoids such as THC, it offers the same benefits without being psychoactive. This is perfect for those who want to consume loose leaf, but need to stay functional.

For those not keen on consuming loose leaf, you can opt for other herbs that also have relaxing effects such as chamomile, St. John’s Wort, and green tea.

Becoming Part of the Vaping Community

Doing a quick search online, one can see that vapers are active in different forums, discussion boards, and other platforms. Those who are new to the world of dry herb vaporizers will find themselves being welcomed to a community whose members are always willing to help and share their knowledge.

Becoming a member of a community (virtual or otherwise) is itself a benefit that can have a positive personal impact.

AirVape sells only the highest quality vaporizers and vape accessories and has been hailed as one of the best by many vaping critics worldwide. Check out our newest dry herb vaporizer, the AirVape X. It’s the most advanced, easy to use vape pen on the market today that you can bring with you wherever you go.

In the meantime, we’re curious to know how using a dry herb vaporizer has helped you? Share in the comments section below! Don’t forget to share this blog post on social media, too!